Covid Protocol and Club Guidelines

Club Protocol

To deliver a safe return to playing Green Bowls and to socialize in a safe manner by following Scottish Government and Bowls Scotland rules and guidelines.
Part of this will be done by risk assessment folder sited in Clubhouse to allow members to manage their own risk within club rules.

Polmont Covid 19 Officer

Name: Allan Kent
Contact Details: 07759714250
Club Guidelines

All members are asked to adhere to these rules in an effort to minimize risk to other members. Scottish Government and Bowls Scotland guidelines are the focal point of any of these club rules.

These rules will change when level restrictions are eased but will be done at a time within the club framework.

While these restrictions are guidelines, I hope it gives you all some information that will help ease concerns when coming back to bowls. Around half of our members played some bowls last year and I hope our fellow members who could not bowl last year for whatever reason can see we are working hard to minimize any outdoor and indoor risk.

We all sometimes forget, we all sometimes do things we should not, so please don’t take offence if given a quiet reminder.

Bowls Scotland guidelines have asked clubs to nominate a Covid officer to be focal point for administration of these guidelines my name and number is at top of page. I hope this will not last long but until that time comes help us to help you and others by following these rules.

This folder is available for any member to view and will be on incoming table next to sign in book. Inside Folder will be;

  1. Current Scottish guidelines
  2. Bowls Scotland Guidelines
  3. Clubs Protocol
  4. Club Risk assessment
  5. Club Rules

On/Off Green Rules

  1. There will be a booking system in operation similar to last year, members are asked to adhere to this at all times. This is to help Track and trace and provide a log of players who have played at any given time. Important this is followed. A nominated administrator will be in charge ,details will be given out. Format of booking times will be administered through Bowls Scotland guidelines for any level restrictions at that time
  2. There will be a sanitizing station at the Garage [Same as last year],where mats and jacks will be available
  3. Bring your own sanitizing hand cleaner and equipment
  4. Nominate a person who will get mats and jacks. This person should be sole person in contact with these mats and jack. Do not touch other members bowls. Mats will be placed at full length and not moved till end of your game . Jacks will be placed by nominated person at winners of last ends request
  5. Good social distancing required at all times and masks while not compulsory may help where this is not happening so make your own risk assessment
  6. All other Club green rules apply while playing on green
  7. When leaving green at end of game, your nominated player will put mats and jack back into sanitizing station
  8. Please leave green area so you do not interfere with any other incoming players
  9. Good hygiene at start and finish of game will help keep others safe

If Club and facilities are open please see guidelines for these areas.


Rules while in Club Premises

Locker Room

  1. Under certain levels this facility is closed to all members . Any emergency situation will be provided through covid officer
  2. Where these restrictions are eased please follow any signage for compliance regards amount of people at any one time
  3. Do not use locker room as a meeting room
  4. Limit the time you are in locker room
  5. Social distance
  6. Good hygiene
  7. Face mask compulsory


Toilets any area

  1. Please follow any signage guidance for amount of people using this facility
  2. Wear facemask
  3. Good Hygiene is required


Bar / Lounge areas

These areas will be managed by bar staff through bar steward and will be led by current Scottish Government restrictions at any given time through Club framework

  1. Amount of people allowed in each area to meet social distance restrictions will impact the seating and table arrangements
  2. Sign in book for track and trace will be in place at bar front door for all members to sign and to provide contact details
  3. Please wear masks when not sitting at your table this is compulsory until guidelines say otherwise
  4. Until it is not necessary only entry to club will be through bar front door, anyone exiting either to leave or go for smoke must exit from fire door in bar or fire door in lounge where appropriate
  5. Where bar is full you will be asked to go to lounge by bar staff to avoid unnecessary crowding
  6. Table service only will be operated, do not order at bar
  7. Be aware of all signage ,its there to help you remember
  8. When club is opened up outdoor drinking will have procedure in operation for ordering drinks and collection. This will be determined by bar steward and bar staff to make sure social distance is met. Government Guidelines will determine any changes to club rules if felt necessary